Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thurs. - Grace Village

Today we are going to Grace Village and will be serving the elderly, meeting and playing with the orphans and doing some service projects, including painting the basketball court.  I'm looking forward for the team to experience the hope and blessing of the impact on these people's lives.  The first day on the ground during the water truck deliveries was the most intense and eye opening experiences we encountered.  Gradually, the team is seeing hope and a future for the Haitians with some of the programs offered and developed with and through Healing Haiti and other organizations.  It is and honor and a privlege to co-lead this group of Bell/Alamco employees.  We came as co-workers, however, we are bonding in a special way that we truly are becoming a family.  It is special to see how each one in the group is contributing and being vulnerable and open.  I really am enjoying the word of the day at the end of each day.  Sharing about our experiences and helping each other work through the difficult things we've seen is very healing.    This trip is not for the faint of heart.  It is gut wrenching at times and at other times it is the most fulfilling, joyful experience.  My prayer today is that we continue to press in to what the Lord may have us learn, understand, and absorb into our lives. 


  1. Thanks to all for the photos and updates. We are following along with great interest, and continue to cheer you on, and lift you up!

    John O

  2. I love hearing all the stories. Thanks Jim and Dustin for sharing. You are the hands and feet of Jesus over there touching the lives of the least of these. You can't help them all, but you can touch the life of the one right in front of you that God has put in your path. I know what you're going through and you ARE making a difference. Keep on keeping on. Still praying....Bonnie Weber

  3. Hey Dad/Honey, we are loving the blog with pictures and to hear all the great things you all are doing! It's so great that you are using your talents to benefit the kids there! Playing guitar is a huge ministry :) We love you and miss you. -The Plantages
