Friday, June 27, 2014

A Wonderful Friday in Haiti

What a fulfilling day today.  Some of our team got up extra early and went to church.  There I saw pure emotions, heard beautiful music (sang both in Creole and in English), felt the Holy Spirit and  God's presence. It was pure joy being there and honestly I didn't want to leave. After another exceptional breakfast at the guest house, we took an hour drive to Carrefour to the Home for Sick and Dying Adults. With lots of love, wipes, and moisturizing lotion in hand, the men went to comfort the boys and men, and the women of our team visited the little girls and sick women. The people living at the Home were so appreciative and kept saying Merci after we washed, lotioned, and massaged them. We had brought a guitar and so we started singing and many of them joined in.  They especially liked Allie leading the song, "Father Abraham" for their faces wore bright smiling expressions when watching the movements.  I feel like I am the one getting filled up when going to love up Haitians who have it way worse than me.  We take so very much for granted in the US. 

Later in the day we went to Gertrude's Orphanage and got to play with kids with special needs.  We took 15-20 to the outdoor play area where we pushed kids on the swings and had wheelchair races.  Listening to them squeal with laughter and seeing their infectious smiles as they are being pushed in the wheelchairs filled me up and probably the rest of the team as well.  Gertrude's doesn't have the amount of staff that we do in the US, so having adults play with them is likely not an everyday occurence, when staff need to take care of their most basic needs first e.g. bathe, diaper, and feed them. While there the heat index rose to over 100 and these children live in it everyday.  They don't go to an air-conditioned room to sleep.  Again, I think we have so much and we take a great deal of everyday things for granted such as clean water, toilets, air conditioning, food, and shelter.  One thing many of the Haitians have is faith.  Faith in God that things will change for the better.  And they CAN change.  With God all things are possible, for the Bible tells us so.   
Here are a few pictures with our friends at Gertrudes.

Love from Tammy and the rest of the team

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