Thursday, June 26, 2014


Today we went as a group to do Elder visits. We had 5 elders on our list that we would take a meal, hygiene supplies, and snacks to. We would also wash their hands and feet, massage their bodies with lotion, paint the fingernails of the women, sing worship songs, and pray with them. I knew this day would be really hard for me because I had done it before. In February, when I first came to Haiti the elder visits absolutely destroyed my heart and spirit. At the end of the day I was emotionally, physically, and spiritually exhausted. I was angry with God. Wondering how he could ever let someone live like this, and for so long. I was angry with some of the family members of the elders for abandoning and/or abusing them. I was angry with people in America for living such extravagant lives and not taking a second to think about the people suffering just 700 miles away from them. What I realized today was that on my first trip I was looking at the elders’ situation through my own eyes. I wasn’t looking at the lives of Marie, Edmond, Meme, Jude, and Izna in the way that God does.

At the end of every day our team debriefs by sharing a “word of the day.” Those of you who know me, know that I am very emotional and often cry or get shaky voice when public speaking. Despite being embarrassing it often gets in the way of what I am wanting to say. Knowing that today was also an impactful day on my heart, I anticipated the tears and wrote out my word of the day ahead of time. Below is what I wrote and shared with my group:

Today I chose the word wealth, obviously not because we saw a lot of rich people…in fact we saw the exact opposite; very poor people. However, today I saw those people for how God sees them. In Gods’ eyes they are abundantly wealthy because they have accepted His love and trust in him for everything. Their hope is in Jesus and the eternal life he promises. In America, there are a lot of people with fancy cars, big houses, and shiny things. But THEY are poor, if they don’t know Jesus. I have hope for Haiti and the people here, for their faith is strong. God is going to deliver them from their sufferings because they are faithful. Maybe not in my life, and maybe not in this life. But I know he will, because He keeps his promises and He is good.

Haitians may not have money or material possessions…but they are far from poor!  
One day when this world ends, the elders’ I visited today will trade in their rags for eternal life in paradise with Jesus.


"So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever."

2 Corinthians 4:18

Are you wealthy?

Or are you poor?


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