Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Last night I asked God to “Break my heart for what breaks yours” and today He did exactly that.
Today was filled with emotions for our team.  Our first stop was Home for Sick and Dying Children.  We brought with us diapers/wipes donations to give.  When we arrived, the children were filled with joy and smiles and reached their arms out to be held.  Being my first trip to Haiti, it was really hard to see in person the conditions these children are in.  All I wanted to do was take away their pain, hold them forever, and tell them that they are loved, unconditionally.  Every person on our team had a moment with one or several babies that they’ll never forget.  I had a hard time holding back the tears, but I also had a hard time not smiling! What an experience.
Next stop was General Hospital.  This, too, was an experience I will never forget.  Walking in, my heart sank.  This was not your typical hospital.  Families come to the hospital with their own supplies for their sick children and wait around for a doctor’s assistance.  Here, we passed out care passages (snacks, goodies, and essential needs) for the sick patients and loved up the kiddos.  One of our translators brought his guitar along to play and sing worship songs.  It was amazing to see some of the people clapping and singing along!  There were also a few children here who were abandoned by their parents.  God touched my heart (and I’m sure everyone else’s on the team) when I met a little boy who was left at the hospital by his parents.  When I met him, he was all smiles and full of positive energy, such a reality check.
Four members of our team went to the Wound Clinic to help clean and bandage sores for people in need of aid.  Almost all the wounds were severe.  What a blessing to have those members volunteer to help!  The rest of the team went to Port-Au-Prince and the top of the mountain to shop around and get some goodies.  The view from the top was absolutely beautiful!  It was great to take a moment to see God’s beautiful creation, and thank Him for an amazing, eye opening day.
We are excited for the day tomorrow, water truck and Gertrude’s.  Every day is a new experience and a blessing to be a part of!

Sarah colberg

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