Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Today was a "powerful" day for me.....not powerful in the sense of strength or muscle. But powerful.....well journey with me and feel the power.....I arrived at a home for sick and dying elders with family and friends. When we arrived, I felt like we arrived at a morgue. Maybe 40 beds lined up in a small room, each bed occupied by an adult, laying motionless, no one making a sound. Respectfully, The 5 of us lathered up our hands with lotion and set about rubbing and massaging arms, legs, backs and bellys, whatever the elder wished. We quietly and slowly moved from one elder to the next. Junior and Brunet, our Haitian interpreters and friends, started strumming and playing guitar and humming quietly at first. Then they were singing, softly at first and then a familiar song...within minutes the room came alive! Elders smiling, talking, moaning with pleasure....enjoying the rub, the touch, the music...everyone joined in.I heard harmonizing, clapping, the singing grew louder and louder, it sounded like a 40 person choir!!! elders pointing to heaven, hands raised..." Alleluia"! How powerful the human touch! How powerful a hug and a smile! How powerful music is!!! How powerful our loving and gracious God"

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear of your experiences, Charleen; brings back memories of my time in Haiti about 13 years ago. Sounds like you and your sons have had some powerful times, thus far. God appears to be very evident, through songs of praise and through holy touch. May you and your group continue to be blessed as you go forth to serve in the name of Christ!

    Your friends from Big Lake Minnesota
