Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sunday Recap (Grace Church & Wahoo Bay)

This morning we woke up to another amazing breakfast oatmeal, eggs, fresh squeezed cherry juice, fresh fruit and pancakes then loaded the tap tap to head up to Titanyen.  The church at Grace Village has been finished since my trip June 30 2013. The inside was elaborate concrete painted purple and yellow and the colors of sunset. To be built by hand in that short of time is truly remarkable. The church was filled with 2/3rd children and Matthew 19:14 rang through my head. Some were from  Grace Village but a large majority walked alone or with others. There were also lots of children outside rolling hollowed bucket lids with a wire, fetching water from the well and gathering to hold the hand of a "blanc".

The service starts out with dedicated time to prayers praising and thanking Jesus, the ushers help keep people out until a break in prayer so we do not disrupt their time of honoring God. Over an hour dedicated to prayer and worship with hands high, arms open, smiles, and persons sitting close to the front not at the back.

God laid on my heart during the singing that a majority of the people in the church were hungry and after 2 hours of service would leave with increased hunger pains. During worship, with singing in 2 languages. I could not help but think we should feed the church. This is the next generation, these children will be leading, serving, and transforming their countryside for Christ. Jesus fed and so should we.

Pastor Gary started the sermon, as he spoke to the congregation in Creole I kept my thoughts to myself. How amazed I was when he started translating and he told how God had put a desire in his heart to start feeding the church after the service. He said he wanted to not say "God told me, but he felt a strong, turning in his heart that he should eat with his church family" and that not to ever say God told me unless you are certain, but he knew this burning on his heart was from The Lord. When he spoke my heart thoughts aloud, it was unbelievable! I really felt God speaking to me saying this was not just an idea in my head, this was Him opening my eyes and heart to His Will. He read Psalm 91 a personal favorite and followed with John 10:10, John 14:11-14, and James 4:3. Asking God in His name with the right intentions, living life to the fullest through Him. I prayed on my knees during the altar call/invitation and cried tears of joy, hope and passion.

After church our team traveled to the beach, a contrast from what we had seen this week. Haitians enjoying leisure in a breathtaking atmosphere of Gods creation.  Emmanuel and Brunet, two of the guys who had served us so hard this week had some time to enjoy the sand and water.  The evening was followed with rice, veggies, and grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches.  After word of the day, Dave challenged us to verbalize how we were going to "take action" when we returned and how we would hold each other accountable.  We then each wrote ourselves a letter with our thoughts, feelings, and personal challenges to receive at a time to be determined.  God gave each of us the courage to go and we strongly encourage each of you to step out of the boat.

-Joy W.

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