Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Healing Haiti-Friends: Healing Haiti-Friends: Healing Haiti-Friends-..


This was my "word of the day" at our group devotion tonight. Although the day did not start out that way. We started off the morning at 5:45- loaded up in the top top and headed to tent Church. They have this every morning at 6:00. We started off a little out of sorts- grumpy to be up and moving so early! This quickly faded and the tears began to flow as we watched how faithful and compassionate these Hatians were. Praying, praising, singing, dancing, one lady came over and squeezed her way down our row hugging and blessing every one of us. What a way to start out the day! 

Our next stop was to a hospice home. We were truly the hands and feet of Jesus as we massaged their frail bodies. They were so grateful. It was humbling to see the ladies in our group at work and to see the satisfied looks on their faces when we were finished. 

Our last stop of the day- and this is where the word BROKEN comes into play- General Hospital. Nothing could have prepared me for this stop. As we anxiously pulled up in the top top, ready to go with our donation bags we had packed this morning, I looked back and forth, up and down the road. Where is this "hospital"?? We hopped off the truck and followed our translator Jonas just around the corner and through the door. There we were- but this is no hospital. Where are the windows? Where are the doors? Fresh blankets? Fresh water? Pictures? Supplies? There were none. It was devastating. They allowed us to come in, passing our bags out to the families that were there. They allowed us to talk with them, pray with them, hold their sick babies. From one end to the other we walked, greeting proud "ma-ma's". But as we got to one end there was no proud ma-ma, there was no proud pa-pa. There was no one there for these little ones. No family. No one to hold them, to kiss them, to sing to them, and THIS broke my heart. We were unable to hold these kids for reasons I cannot share, but we were able to talk, sing, and feed them. And boy were they hungry!! But before long it was time for us to go, to move on to another section of the hospital. We were unable to take pictures at these places, but I am positive that I will never forget the things that I saw today. 

I think it is safe to say we all walked away today completely broken. The 30 minute drive back to the guesthouse was complete silence. We felt helpless. Our donation bags we so proudly packed were looking pretty small right about now. What COULD we do to help? Absolutely nothing. Or was there something I was forgetting? I most definitely was. And that's why I thank God for my good friend Ruby who reminded us all tonight that there IS something, the most important thing of all- prayer. No we can't supply food to all these babies, we can't get them medicine, WE can't heal them- but God can, and if He wills it, it WILL be done. And if not- we can rest in the fact there will be no more pain, suffering, or tears in Heaven, when these babies meet Jesus face to face. 


1 comment:

  1. Jessi, Saying prayers for you and your team and all those you meet.Thank you for the post. You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself and a true heart for Jesus Christ.
    Lisa R.
