Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day Three for our Team

Today our team had the privilege of visiting a Home for Sick and Dying Children. Privilege may not be the first word that comes to mind when you think of going to a place where you are sure to encounter suffering and pain, but it absolutely was, for all of us.

When we entered the infant room, my eyes were met by a tiny cherub in a crib by the window. A gentle breeze blew through the room and with it, a sense of peace.  Some laid quietly, others made their desire to be held and cuddled quite clear! I picked up the sweet girl that caught my gaze when I first walked in and my teammate Kelsey held another girl. The girls must be friends across the crib aisles - they were SO happy to see each other and enjoyed grabbing each others fists. But the crowning moment was when each girl laughed out loud.

The home is almost like a children's hospital for children recovering from severe dehydration or malnutrition. Babies all the way up to children of six or seven stay here until they are healthy enough to return to their homes. It was wonderful to see parents there visiting their kids all morning. And while it was heart-breaking to hear the cries of their babies when the visiting hours were over, it really was a beautiful sound because it shows how well attached those children are and they have family that loves them and wants them to get better.

Some of my teammates remembered Jesus' words from Matthew 25 as they held these little people - "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."

Each precious child there truly was the least of these. They needed care. They needed to be fed because they could not feed themselves. They needed their wet diapers changed. They needed to be held. They needed love. We had only a little time to give, but it was blessed by God.

Today we also toured Papillion Enterprises and Apparent Project, which is an amazing business here in Haiti providing jobs for men and women. That enables them to provide for their families and keep their family intact - no need to relinquish their child to an orphanage! We shopped for gifts made in Haiti - beautiful necklaces, Christmas ornaments, metal art and more. Its a neat place doing great things in the community.

More thoughts from yesterday

Julie - Each day we choose a word of the day. Yesterday, I chose "judgeless". The kids in Cite Soleil didn't judge me - I'm deaf and an American, but that didn't matter to them. They wanted love and to be held and it didn't matter whether I could communicate in their language. I enjoyed teaching a child my sign name, "J for Julie". When she learned it, she passed it on to other kids and they kept passing it on.

Nick - Speechless today. When we arrived in Cite Soleil with the water truck, the kids just jumped up on me and overwhelmed me with love. We were walking around, holding the water hose, so many kids wanted help bringing their buckets home, even though they didn't know me. It was really hard work. To see how people live that way, I couldn't understand it. See the kids - huge smiles, they had joy and they were happy - it didn't matter they were poor. They are blessed.

Team Funny Stuff

This morning, Jo Ann woke up and opened the shades in the room she is sharing. When she did, a baby gecko had been sleeping in the shade and ran down the wall and under her bed. There was lots of screaming and lots of laughter as the women tried to apprehend the little lizard. Ahh, it's just life in Haiti!

Tonight we enjoyed playing a hilarious game of Telephone Pictionary. Laughter was shared, stories were told, and another wonderful day in Haiti was brought to a close. We're grateful for such a united team and terrific leaders who are doing a great job.

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